It's one of those days again, when music is your only friend...

August 28, 2011

The Harvest

Check out this awesome female-fronted rock band!

This is a 4-piece band from Vancouver, B.C. in Canada. This quartet with three chicos and one chica, rocks out with a fresh sound like you've never heard! The cool rythym comes from a guitar, a drumset and a bass. This mixed with the edgy vocals of an amazingly talented singer makes this band as great as it is!

While I'm writing this I'm listening to their songs, and I find myself swinging with the rythym and popping my toes. I hardly ever do this, unless I'm in a very bouncy mood (which okay, is kind of often...)

I usually don't like female-lead bands (which I know is pretty silly and judgmental) but I can honestly say that I adore this band! Not only is the music and melody fun and creative, so are the lyrics! This is exactly the kind of music that just puts you in a fantastic mood!

So, check them out, you wont be disappointed. And I know I say that alot, but seriously y'guys! I don't do promo for lousy bands!!! Links below:

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