It's one of those days again, when music is your only friend...

August 6, 2013

Show me how you Burlesque

Any movie lovers reading this? How about lovers of music in movies? Do you like listening to soundtracks? Do you like girl power? Feeling sexy? Looking at others who are sexy? Yes? Then you have to watch Burlesque. Or at least listen to the soundtrack. But you really do need to watch it. It has got one of the best soundtracks EVER. I love the movie, I love X-Tina, I love Cam Gigandet, I love Cher, I love the songs, I love the dance routines, I love the story, I love every single thing about that movie. It's sexy, exciting and just freakin' awesome. Watch it, watch it now.

My favorites from the soundtrack:

Show me how you Burlesque -Sung by Christina Aguilera

Every time I listen to this song, it makes me feel sexy and empowered. If you wanna get your self-esteem pumping, this is the song for you! Plus, it totally nails the movie.

You haven't seen the last of me -Sung by Cher

The perfect pick-me up song! It's like "Fuck the rest of the world, Imma show you!!!" It's just great. It's honest and beautiful. And this is where you first get to see Cher's character's soft side. Love it!

Welcome to Burlesque -Sung by Cher

This is where the movie really begins. It's so perfect, you just get so excited about the mystique and you become totally mesmerized with the girls and all that glam...

Tough Lover -Sung by Christina Aguilera

This is such a great moment in the movie, and the song just adds to the wonderful excitement. It's sexy and fabulous! Also a great song to listen to when you wanna boost your confidence.

So seriously, watch the movie, don't just listen to the songs (even though they're awesome anyway). If you're a guy, you may think that it's just a typical chick flick, and in ways it is, but come on! Hot girls and great music? You wanna say no to that? And you girls who think the burlesque style of dancing is "degrading to women" and all that crap, just stop. Look at them! Do they look like they're complaining? Burlesque is an amazing form of dance, and I look up to the girls who have the confidence and talent to dance like that on a stage! So shush, you!

That's all folks.


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